更新日期:2007/06/13 18:40 記者:李御榮 喜歡吃鍋貼的民眾,可能早就注意到,從去年底開始,部分四海遊龍老店,陸續換上新招牌,改名「鮮天下」,不是鍋貼老店改名字重新出發,而是原有的老股東因為進軍大陸市場的意見分歧,決定「拆夥」,各自上戰場拚戰。 15年前,人生跌落谷底的無殼蝸牛李幸長,靠著鍋貼專賣店由黑翻紅,賺進大把大把鈔票,可惜這個「老字號招牌」,還是走到「分家」這一步。鮮天下負責人陳武貂:「我們的理念越來越不同,經營觀念越來越分歧,不斷爭吵的過程,氣氛越來越僵啦。」他是早年李幸長選立委的總幹事,也是鍋貼店的合夥人,10年前尾牙宴上並肩站著,看得出交情,但去年底因為進軍大陸的爭執不斷,毅然決然「拆夥」,陳武貂帶著部份店家,換招牌同樣賣鍋貼,想和老品牌一較高下。鮮天下負責人陳武貂:「打品牌不是那麼簡單,所以知名度相對不足,非常辛苦的是,人家不知道我在賣什麼。」這個「平底鐵鍋」,是兩人一起研究發想的,黑黑的鍋子是生鐵打造,不僅導熱快效能高,煎出來的鍋貼外型完整,比最早的白鐵鍋好用多了。用了10多年闖出名號,還是得各走各路,分合之間不僅是市場保衛戰,更是老戰友的友情考驗。 (以上資料來自: Yahoo) 四海遊龍官方網站 餃子的介紹: 

  Jiaozi, is a kind of Chinese dumpling, widely popular in China, Japan, and Korea, as well as outside of East Asia. Jiaozi typically consist of a ground meat and/or vegetable filling wrapped into a thinly rolled piece of dough, which is then sealed by pressing the edges together or by crimping. Jiaozi should not be confused with wonton: jiaozi have a thicker skin and a flatter, more oblate, double-saucer like shape (similar in shape to ravioli), and is usually eaten with a soy-vinegar dipping sauce (and/or hot chili sauce); while a wonton has a thinner skin, is sphere-shaped, and is usually served in broth. 

  Chinese dumplings (jiaozi) may be divided into various types depending on how they are cooked: 

Boiled dumplings; (shuijiao)(水餃). 
Steamed dumplings; (zhengjiao)(蒸餃). 
Shallow fried dumplings (鍋貼),(煎餃). 
Dumplings that use egg rather than dough to wrap the filling are called "egg dumplings" or (蛋餃). 

  Common dumpling meat fillings include pork, mutton, beef, chicken, fish, and shrimp which are usually mixed with chopped vegetables. Popular vegetable fillings include cabbage, scallion (spring onions), and Chinese chives. Dumplings are eaten with a soy sauce-based dipping sauce that may include vinegar, garlic, ginger, rice wine, hot sauce, and sesame oil. 

( Above introduction from Wikipedia )

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